UNDP/ UNFPA/ UNICEF/ WHO/ World Bank Special Program Of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is defined as a blood loss of 500 mL or more within 24 hours of delivery, while severe PPH (sPPH) is defined as a blood loss of 1000 mL or more within the same time frame. PPH is the leading cause of maternal mortality in low-income countries and it contributes to nearly a quarter of maternal deaths globally. PPH is a significant contributor to severe maternal morbidity and long term disability, as well as to a number of other severe maternal conditions, generally associated with more substantial blood loss, including shock and organ dysfunction.
The majority of deaths due to PPH could be avoided through the use of prophylactic uterotonics during the third stage of labour and by timely and appropriate management. Oxytocin (Intramuscular/intravenous [IM/IV] 10 IU) is recommended as the uterotonic drug of choice.
Despite oxytocin being a well-known peptide hormone, there is limited information on its stability at tropical temperatures. The manufacturer recommends storage under refrigeration in most countries and there is general acknowledgement that cold storage would help to maintain quality of oxytocin especially in settings where it is difficult to obtain cold storage regularly.
Carbetocin appears to be a promising agent in the prevention of PPH. The clinical and pharmacological properties of carbetocin are similar to those of oxytocin.
The trial has two primary objectives:

- + Overview
UNDP/ UNFPA/ UNICEF/ WHO/ World Bank Special Program Of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction
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- + Background Research
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is defined as a blood loss of 500 mL or more within 24 hours of delivery, while severe PPH (sPPH) is defined as a blood loss of 1000 mL or more within the same time frame. PPH is the leading cause of maternal mortality in low-income countries and it contributes to nearly a quarter of maternal deaths globally. PPH is a significant contributor to severe maternal morbidity and long term disability, as well as to a number of other severe maternal conditions, generally associated with more substantial blood loss, including shock and organ dysfunction.
The majority of deaths due to PPH could be avoided through the use of prophylactic uterotonics during the third stage of labour and by timely and appropriate management. Oxytocin (Intramuscular/intravenous [IM/IV] 10 IU) is recommended as the uterotonic drug of choice.
Despite oxytocin being a well-known peptide hormone, there is limited information on its stability at tropical temperatures. The manufacturer recommends storage under refrigeration in most countries and there is general acknowledgement that cold storage would help to maintain quality of oxytocin especially in settings where it is difficult to obtain cold storage regularly.
Carbetocin appears to be a promising agent in the prevention of PPH. The clinical and pharmacological properties of carbetocin are similar to those of oxytocin. - + Objective
The trial has two primary objectives:
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