LMRF conducts numerous workshops and seminars to train researchers, academicians, students and clinicians in various aspects of research methodology. These include our in-house workshops and training focused on capacity building of the staff. These are also open for faculties from other organizations, academia, medical schools and public health institutions. The training conducted in this series included Ethics in Research, Scientific writing workshop, Basic Statistics, Data analysis using Excel etc. In addition to these the Research officers at LMRF also attend regional, national and international training workshops from reputed research organizations across the world like RTI (Research Triangle Institute), North Carolina, University of Sydney, PATH, USAID (United States Agency for International Development), World Bank (SARDM – South Asia Research Development Marketplace) etc to develop their research and data management skills.
Field training are conducted at primary health centers, sub centers and taluka/block level to train the public health staff (number trained till date for MNH- 2393, EmONC- 1309) for project activities, so as to ensure data quality. For our hospital based studies, we have trained in ACT- 1610, HBB- 1027 health providers at primary, secondary and tertiary level health facilities. These are followed by periodic retraining and refresher training based on their performance in order to ensure optimal functioning and data quality assurance. We have also trained about 165 ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activists) who are the rural front line health workers from Nagpur and Bhandara district in the use of m Health applications on android phones for data collection and imparting health and nutrition advise to rural pregnant mothers and their families.
LMRF also hosts overseas students for medical and statistical internships including medical graduates, post graduate students and doctoral fellows, policy planning graduates etc for guiding them in research methodology, scientific writing, research skills development and data analysis techniques. They also acquire field experience in developing nations and are then certified at successful completion of their internship with LMRF.