The objective of the intervention was to address the problems associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes (specifically pre-eclampsia, hypertension, prolonged labor, and sepsis in the mother and preterm birth, sepsis, respiratory distress and seizures in the newborn) through the introduction of EmONC teams. Major emphases of the teams were on birth attendant training, hospital quality evaluation and improvement, and community involvement in order to leverage local resources to address issues of sustainability.
EmONC Country Coordinator
Facility Trainer
Community Mobilization Trainer
Asst. Community Mobilization Trainer
HBLSS Trainer
Asst. HBLSS Trainer
Field Research Officers
EmONC Training workshop for Community health facilitator (CHF).In this workshops CHF were Trained to work in the community according Community Action Cycle. These trainings were held in 10 EmONC clusters (PHCs) and conducted by Medical officers with the Help of LMRF central team.
- + Objective
The objective of the intervention was to address the problems associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes (specifically pre-eclampsia, hypertension, prolonged labor, and sepsis in the mother and preterm birth, sepsis, respiratory distress and seizures in the newborn) through the introduction of EmONC teams. Major emphases of the teams were on birth attendant training, hospital quality evaluation and improvement, and community involvement in order to leverage local resources to address issues of sustainability.
- + Team
EmONC Country Coordinator
Facility Trainer
Community Mobilization Trainer
Asst. Community Mobilization Trainer
HBLSS Trainer
Asst. HBLSS Trainer
Field Research Officers
- + EmONC Components
- + Community Action Cycle
- + EmONC Activities
EmONC Training workshop for Community health facilitator (CHF).In this workshops CHF were Trained to work in the community according Community Action Cycle. These trainings were held in 10 EmONC clusters (PHCs) and conducted by Medical officers with the Help of LMRF central team.
- + Timeline