Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) is increased in Vaso-Occlusive crisis in Sickle Cell Disease
Considering the multigenic and multifactorial nature of the disease, we argue that a generalized bone marrow hyperplasia—and not merely erythroid hyperplasia—will occur in sickle cell disease. Consequently, we expect the hematological parameters to depict erythroid, myeloid as well as megakaryocyte hyperplasia. In the light of this expectation, we hypothesized that platelet distribution width (PDW) will increase in sickle cell disease. Here, we report the results from a cross-sectional study of 216 children admitted with complaints suggestive of vaso-occlusive crisis. We observed a strong association between PDW and sickle cell disease as compared to children who had HbAA genotype. Our findings bridge previous inconsistencies relating to the role of platelets in sickle cell disease. Implications of this finding are discussed. Ann Hematol. 2004;83:331-5.
By: Amin MA, Amin AP, Kulkarni HR